Mittwoch, 25. Mai 2016

Training to create trust

Why does the military have the ability
to create that powerful trust relationships?

Training?Trust? Relationships?

Within the basic training of the military trainees are housed in six to ten bed rooms rules and regulations regarding housecleaning deadlines and tidiness are very strict.Work starts around six and ends after approximately 10 hours.Included in training are fully equipped  hikes, body conditioning and theory lessons. The training is utilized to bring soldiers to their limits on a daily basis.

The bond that is created through housing conditions and training is unmeasurably strong. The trainees  go through hell and back together relying only on each other . Thus, their relationship or bond is not based on personal preference but trust and loyalty. This team conditioning is also what enables soldiers to risk their life for each other as they build a trust that to outsiders is unimaginable. Henceforth, the dynamic of military teams.

Businesses are not able to recreate the dynamic of the military as employee training on this basis is just not possible in todays society. Nevertheless there are training facilities that allow business to complete a military team training with their employees. Which could be a nice team building exercise.

This blog post is written under the assumption that the basic training idea within different countries is similar.The source for information is a personal communication with a member of the mountain infantry.

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