Sonntag, 29. Mai 2016

Leading by example

Easy as that...

First think about the following questions

As a leader of any sorts, what do you expect of your people? In which way should they behave and most importantly what are the most important values you want them to share?

As you have got an answer, ask yourself if you are able to fulfill those expectations constantly yourself.

Because every move you make, every step you take is being watched by your team even though you may not be aware of it. A leader is responsible for acting up exactly to what he expects of others. The concept of leadership by example is that a leader sets an example in various kind of situations according to the shared values.

Why would anyone follow a leader who doesn't even follows his own values. Leadership by example  really distinguishes between a good leader and a manager. Leaders make the choice of inspiring people to want what they want. Henceforth, leaders attracted followers but this fellowship has to be earned and can just as quickly be lost.

This concept is also what general McChrystal described as on of his leadership tangibles the actions a leader takes define him and his team. Henceforth, this very basic concept which is actually common sense is of great importance to leaders.

How simple it is ?

Usually leading by example starts very early on for one parents teaching their children what do and what they are not allowed to do. If you teach a five year old not to use swear words but you use the F-word on a regular basis. How big is the chance that the five year old will not repeat it ?
Very slim ! This is teaching by example. You set a bad sample your team might follow the bad manner or you undercut your own leadership.

Additionally, it is beneficial for leaders to get their hands dirty every now and than. The saying goes action speak louder than words and that can be taken word for word in all leadership positions. General McChrystal for example joins his team on missions to define him as a person but also to earn trust in respect.

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