Mittwoch, 25. Mai 2016

The first Intangible

The importance of personal interaction

Interaction is defined as
reciprocal action, effect, or influence 
by the dictionary.

Therefore, personal interaction is the effect or influence one has on others.

According to United States Army general Stanley McChrystal personal interaction is one of the most important intangibles that make a great leader.

Imagine someone for example a manager trying to create a good work force. But, he is not interested in building personal relationships.

Is the manager as effective as he could be? Without the knowledge of interpersonal work-relationships or abilities? What about certain personal hobbies that could be beneficial to a project or personal networks of team members. Wouldn't the manager benefit more from caring about personal interactions?

According to Cisco an award winning networking academy that undertook a study of human behavior and the barriers to effective collaborations, came to the conclusion that collaboration is grounded in human interaction and relationships.(Forbes.2013)

Concluding, scientists as well as an army general agree on the importance of personal interactions. Henceforth, one can say that this part of the army concept is adaptable by businesses.

In order, to make this topic even clearer I created a little cartoon that you can find just above.

All theory is based on the concept of United States Army general Stanley McChrystal.

Forbes.Editor.2013 „Why Personal Interaction Drives Innovation and Collaboration „

McChrystal.Stanley.2012„Leadership is a choice“

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